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Welcome to Radiant Counseling!

You have taken the first step by choosing therapy and understanding how it can benefit you with whatever challenges you may be facing. Here’s what to expect in the process:
What are the benefits of therapy?

The desire for and benefits of therapy are different for everyone. If you find yourself asking questions like: Is there a persistent problem, condition, and way of feeling or upset that has been bothering me for a while? Is there something that I want to change about myself or my life? Does the issue feel too big to tackle by myself? Do you just need someone to talk to? If the answer is “yes” to any of these and other questions, therapy can help.
Your friends, family, co-workers and others can be great about giving you their best advice but oftentimes that might not be exactly what you are looking for. Working with a professionally trained therapist provides you with confidentiality, and focuses on helping you connect with what is true and right for you without bias or judgment.

How does confidentiality work?

We practice at the highest levels of confidentiality, ethical considerations, and cultural competence. We work within the ethical guidelines of the ACA (American Counseling Association) and the NASW (National Association of Social Workers), the legal guidelines as dictated by the State of Georgia licensing board. This includes engaging in over 35 hours of continuing education bi-annually. In our first session, we will discuss the limits of confidentiality as well as other rights you are afforded as a client. It is of primary importance to us that as a client of Radiant Counseling you feel informed, protected, and an equal participant in your treatment at all times.

How do I prepare for my first session?

We ask that you visit our client portal to fill out some paperwork which provides us with some initial information about you. Your first session is only 30 minutes in length and free of charge because we want to ensure that you are wokring with the right therapist!

What if I have to cancel my appointment?

We understand that life happens. Because we honor and respect each other’s time, outside commitments, and last minute emergencies we ask that you cancel as soon as possible. We do charge a $25 late cancellation fee should you cancel more than once with less than 12 hour notice. We charge a $50 no show fee should you neglect to call ahead prior to missing your appointment. 

How long will I be in therapy?

That depends almost entirely on your needs and wants. Everybody is different and will be treated on an individual basis. We take into consideration your therapeutic needs, schedule constraints, financial concerns, and personal goals when determining how often and for how long you wish to come in.

What if I decide I don’t want to come in anymore?

Again that is entirely up to you. You have no obligation to continue therapy if you choose to stop. However, we strongly encourage each of our clients to keep open lines of communication regarding their thoughts about stopping treatment. It is also important to note that should you decide to stop therapy for any reason, you are always welcome to resume sessions at any time in the future.

Can you prescribe any medications?

Therapists do not prescribe any medications. After evaluating your situation, we will decide if you need to speak with a psychiatrist who is a MD and licensed to prescribe medicine. It’s always a good idea for someone who is taking medication to have their therapist in contact with the doctor who is prescribing medicine. Of course, this communication between psychologist and psychiatrist only happens if you give written permission for it to happen. We would have you sign a Release of Information. Now you have a team working together on your behalf.

How much do you charge?

Our goal is to make the cost of therapy as affordable as possible. We have several options for how to pay. We offer a sliding scale based on household income as well as package deals that offer a lower cost per session. 

Call to request information on rates for sessions with Radiant Interns. 

Do you accept Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)?

We do accept EAPs. Because these operate differently than traditional insurance coverage, it is important for the client to provide thorough and timely information so we are able to bill correctly for these sessions. 

Before your first appointment, we will need appropriate identification numbers associated with your EAP as well as an authorization number or authorization date. 

Although EAPs cover the full cost of therapy, you will still be responsible for any late cancellation or no-show fees incurred.